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    Nature Geoscience, Nature   Communications, EPSL, GRL等期刊审稿人















    1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.424760632025.1-2028.12,第1

    2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.42170602852022.1-2025.12,第1

    3. 山东省自然科学基金面上项目,ZR2020MD0652021.1-2023.12,第1

    4. 国家重点研发计划子课题,No.2019YFC150922020.1-2023.1,第1

    5. 国家重点研发计划子课题,No.2018YFC060332019.4-2021.6,第1

    6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,NO.415060552016.01-2018.12,第1

    7. 地震动力学国家重点实验室开放基金,LED2019B012019.07-2022.06,第1

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    9. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,NO.2015M5720912016.05-2017.07,第1







    [1] Yongliang Bai*, Haoran Zhu, Sanzhong Li,   Dongdong Dong, Shiguo Wu. Variations in crustal magma volume flux along the   Hawaii-Emperor seamount chain and their implications for plume–lithosphere   interactions. Tectonophysics, 2023, 848:229715.

    [2] Yongliang Bai*, Xuan Mu, Wenzhao Zhang, Sanzhong Li, Diya Zhang,   Shiguo Wu. Along-strike island-arc crustal growth rate estimation: Case study   of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction system. Geophysical Journal   International, 2023. 232 (3): 1886–1897.

    [3] Yilin Rong, Yongliang Bai*, Mengjiao Ren, Mingjian Liang, Zhenjie   Wang. Seismicity-based 3D model of ruptured seismogenic faults in the   North-South Seismic Belt, China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023.   10.3389/feart.2022.1023106

    [4] Xuan Mu, Yongliang Bai*, Xinjian Shan, Guohong Zhang, Zhenjie Wang,   2022. Sensitivity of coseismic gravity changes to source slip parameters:   case study on the2004 Sumatra earthquake. Chinese J. Geo phys, 2022.

    [5] Yongliang Bai*, Yilin Rong, Jihong Sun, Leiming Chen, Diya Zhang,   Zhengtong Yin. Seamount age prediction machine learning model based on multiple   geophysical observables: methods and applications in the Pacific Ocean.   Marine Geophysical Research, 2021, 42(31):1-11.

    [6] Yongliang Bai*, Diya Zhang, Dongdong Dong, Shiguo Wu, Zhenjie Wang.   Aleutian island arc magma production rates and primary controlling factors.   Marine Geology, 2020, 430, 106346.

    [7] Yongliang Bai* Xiaoyu Wang, Dongdong Dong, Sascha Brune, Shiguo Wu,   Zhenjie Wang. Symmetry of the South China Sea conjugate margins in a rifting,   drifting and collision context. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2020, 117,   104397.

    [8] Zhou Gui, Yongliang Bai*, Zhenjie Wang, Dongdong Dong, Shiguo Wu,   Tongfei Li. Spatiotemporal Seismotectonic Implications for the   Izu–Bonin–Mariana Subduction Zone from b‐Values. Seismological Research   Letters, 2020, 91 (3): 1679–1693.

    [9] Yongliang Bai*, Zhou Gui, Mei Li, Dongdong Dong, Shiguo Wu, Zhenjie   Wang. Crustal thickness over the NW Pacific and its tectonic implications.   Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019, 185:1-11.

    [10]Yongliang Bai*, Mei Li,   Shiguo Wu, Dongdong Dong, Zhou Gui, Jie Sheng, Zhenjie Wang. Upper mantle   density modelling for large-scale Moho gravity inversion: case study on the   Atlantic Ocean. Geophysical Journal International, 2019, 216:2134-2147.

    [11]Yongliang Bai*, Dongdong   Dong, Sascha Brune, Shiguo Wu, Zhenjie Wang. Crustal Stretching Style   Variations in the Northern Margin of the South China Sea. Tectonophysics,   2019, 751:1-12.

    [12]Zhou Gui, Yongliang Bai*,   Zhenjie Wang, Tongfei Li. Seismic b-value Anomalies in the Sumatran Region:   Seismotectonic Implications. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 2019,   173:29-41.

    [13]Yongliang Bai*, Dongdong   Dong, Jon F Kirby, Simon E Williams, Zhenjie Wang. The effect of dynamic   topography and gravity on lithospheric effective elastic thickness   estimation: a case study. Geophysical Journal International, 2018.   214(1):623-634.

    [14]Yongliang Bai*, Dongdong   Dong, Shiguo Wu, Zhan Liu, Guangxu Zhang, Kaijun Xu. A wavelet transformation   approach for multi-source gravity fusion: Applications and uncertainty tests.   Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2016 128, 18-30.

    [15]Yongliang Bai*, Shiguo Wu,   Zhan Liu, R Dietmar Müller, Simon E Williams, Sabin Zahirovic, Dongdong Dong.   Full-fit reconstruction of the South China Sea conjugate margins.   Tectonophysics, 2015, 661:121-135.

    [16]Yongliang Bai*, Simon E.   Williams, R. Dietmar Müller, Zhan Liu, Maral Hosseinpour. Mapping crustal   thickness using marine gravity data: methods and uncertainties. Geophysics,   2014, 79(3):F1-F10.

    [17]Yongliang Bai*, Zhan Liu,   Lanfa Liu, Roger Mason, Binghu Huang. A new method of multi-scale geologic   modeling and display. Journal of Earth Science, 2014, 25(3): 537-543.

    [18]Fan Jianke, Zheng Hong, Zhao   Dapeng, Dong Dongdong, Yongliang Bai, et al., Seismic structure of the   Caroline plateau-Yap trench collision zone. Geophysical Research Letters.   2022.

    [19]F Ji, Q Zhang, X Zhou, Y Bai,   Y Li. Effective elastic thickness of Zealandia and its implications for   lithospheric deformation. Gondwana Research, 2020.

    [20]Jie Sheng, Jihong Sun,   Yongliang Bai, Zhan Liu, Helong Wei, Lianwei Li, Guohui Su, ZhaoWang.   Evaluation of hydrocarbon potential using fuzzy AHP-based grey relational   analysis: a case study in the Laoshan Uplift, South Yellow Sea, China.   Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 2020, 17, 189–202.

    [21]Z. Y. Zhang, D. D. Dong, W.   D. Sun, S. G. Wu, Y. L. Bai, X. J. Wang, J. K. Fan. Subduction erosion,   crustal structure, and an evolutionary model of the northern Yap subduction   zone: New observations from the latest geophysical survey. Geochemistry,   Geophysics, Geosystems, 2019, 20(1): 166-182.

    [22]Abdu Elazeem Osman AdamAli,   Zhan Liu, Yongliang Bai, Abdalla GumaaFarwa, Abboud Suliman Ahmed,   GuominPeng. A stable gravity downward continuation for structural delineation   in Sulu Sea region. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2018, 155: 26-35.

    [23]Dongdong Dong, Zhengyi Zhang,   Yongliang Bai, Jianke Fan, Guangxu Zhang. Topographic and sedimentary   features in the Yap subduction zone and their implications for the Caroline   Ridge subduction. Tectonophysics, 2018, 722:410-421.

    [24]Mohammad Bagherbandi,   Yongliang Bai, Lars E. Sjöberg, Robert Tenzer, Majid Abrehdary, Silvia   Miranda, Juan M. Alcacer. Sanchez. Effect of the lithospheric thermal state   on the Moho interface: A case study in South America. Journal of South   American Earth Sciences, 2017, 76: 198-207.

    [25]Bai Y, Zhang D, Dong D, et   al. Island-arc crustal growth rates along the Izu-Bonin-Mariana subduction   system [C]. International Association for Gondwana Research, 2021.

    [26]Yongliang Bai, Dongdong Dong,   Runlin Du, 2017. Crustal Stretching Style and Lower Crust Flow of the South   China Sea Northern Margin, T54B-05. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

    [27]Dongdong Dong*, Marta   Perez-Gussinye, Wenlong Wang, Yongliang Bai, 2017. Quantitative calculation   and numerical modeling of the conjugate margins of the South China Sea,   T33A-0686. 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.